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Multiple Individual Prayer Requests Around the World

Zachariah Matoke - From Kisii, Kenya, pray for help fill the need of 67 Bibles for his church in Kenya. Bibles cost about $8.13USD each.

James Kembero - pastor from Kenya wants help for vulnerable kids and orphans. Needs tin sheets for roofing his church. Also needs 250 Bibles in the local language of EKEGUSII because many people in our community have lost their souls from God, because they have no Bibles to read so that to know more about Jesus Christ who is the saviour of the world.

Pastor-Rabindra Chhinchani - from India, please pray for our orphanage children whose parents have passed away and pray for help in running orphanage during Covid-19 pandemic.

Raheel Gil - from Pakistan, has broken leg that needs set. Has had 3 prior operations. Needs money and help to see doctors.

Rangih Difah Labahn - from Kenya, nice christian young man. Needs illustration helps and charts to teach gospel in his church.

Nyabuto Denis - grandmother sick, he is without food needs help and prayers.

Gideon Makori - from Kenya, has 2 year old boy, his wife left him. He lost his job 4 months ago because he has to take care of his child. They do not have enough food and is behind on his rent - asks for prayers and help.

Charles Alexander Halder - from Chittagong (Large port city on the southeastern coast of Bangladesh) he calls himself evangelist Charles. He is in need of Bibles. Wants to extend helping hand to children of his country. – UPDATE: PRAYERS ANSWERED! - He received 40 Bibles for use with 40 young people as a result of prayer! Thank God.

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. — Ecclesiastes 11:1
Bonface Agage - From Kenya, he is the oldest orphan with brother, sister and old grandmother. He cares for younger siblings and grandmother, needs help with food and school bills

Ouzam Hanif - Pakistani christian, recently in hospital, operation for appendix but now in great pain. can't pay doctor bill or buy medicine for pain, needs prayer and help.

Wafula Jackson kelengwe in Kenya. Wants prayer partners. Needs 50 Bibles and Bible study guides for 15 churches.

Vinny Vinniesenior from Kenya is asking for help feeding his orphans.

Pastor Daniel Ontario from Kenya says Locusts destroyed their crops and there will be no harvest this season. Many people, children, widows and orphans are needing help.

Last edit: by Dave

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