Welcome to Ask in Prayer

We hope you enjoy your visit here. Please join or login if you have joined before.

Bible Promises

For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord ; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him. — Psalms 12:5 KJV

Prayer Requests on the Forum


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th June 2021, 12:40 am
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I've been adding requests I get from my personal contacts on Facebook. These requests come from all over the world. Some are individualized while others are for churches or other groups.

Requests may be strictly for prayer. Common requests are for healing, food, jobs. Other requests could include a need, like Bibles, teaching materials or other kinds of supply and equipment.

Please take time and read the Prayer Requests section of the ASK IN PRAYER forum.

Always on Duty


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 28th April 2021, 4:28 pm
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Today, I saw first hand the evidence of God's care and protection. It is not a story of survival but of preservation.

I left home on a simple unplanned errand, to pick up some free pea plant starts from a local farm called Seed2Fork. I thought it would be nice to take my 4 year old grandson along. We got on the road and soon my grandson was asleep peacefully in his car seat. Arriving at the farm, I picked out some plants while my grandson…

We are a New Website About Prayer and Praying


admin is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 1st April 2021, 4:42 pm
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Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

This is a brand new website which is still under construction... and I want to welcome you. I hope you will find this a great place to spend some time and share some thoughts.

One day when I was doing dishes, I heard a voice telling me I should make a website about prayer... and all of a sudden, I had a burst of ideas on what to include. It was an amazing thing. Here I was doing dishes and my mind just shifts into high gear and after that, I was determined to go with the idea and make the website.

Prayer Quotes

"Few Christians have anything but a vague idea of the power of prayer; fewer still have any experience of that power. The Church seems almost wholly unaware of the power God puts into her hand; this spiritual carte blanche on the infinite resources of God’s wisdom and power is rarely, if ever, used—never used to the full measure of honouring God." — E.M. Bounds, The Complete Collection of E. M. Bounds on Prayer

Have you ever had an answer to prayer?